Bibliographic references – engravings depicting Ancient Corinth and its fortress.
The settlement of Ancient Corinth can be easily described as being a conglomeration of five distinctive neighborhoods, comprised of groups of small houses, altogether combined with buildings belonging to the Ottoman infrastructure. The 18th c. survey map of the French topographer E. Peytier (composed in 1829) shows these urban nucleus, that have existed since the first decades of the Ottoman conquest.
The offered Bibliographical References testimony the urban layout of Ancient Corinth’s rural settlement though numerous engravings, which picture the settlement and its five prevailing neighborhoods (mahalla): the central area of the bazaar mahalla, the Kalamata mahalla, the Küçük Mustafa mahalla, the Haci Mustafa mahalla and the Bey’s saray mahalla.
Τhe majority of the provided engravings depicting Ancient Corinth and its neighborhouds, as well as Acrocorinthus Castle, are found in the following bibliographical sources:
1. Camp John McK, In search of Classical Greece: Travel drawings of Edward Dodwell and Simone Pomardi, 1805-1806, (with contributions by Jenkins Ian, Tsigakou Fani-Maria, Sloan Kim), Catalogue of the Exhibition, British Museum, London, 7.2.-28.4.2013, from the Collection of the Packard Humanities Institute,
2. Hansgeorg Bankel,, Carl Haller von Hallerstein in Griechenland: 1810-1847; Architekt, Zeichner, Bauforscher: Katalog der Ausstellung, Palais Preysing, München 14.2-15.3.1986, Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berlin 1986.
3. Papageorgiou Sophie N., Travelers and Artists in Corinth 12th-19th centuries, Historical and Ethnological Society of Greece, Athens 2009.
4. Petropoulou Vasos-Gartaganis Panayiotis (ed.), Οδοιπορικό στην Κορινθία. Χαρακτικά από το 15ο μέχρι το 19ο αιώνα, από τη συλλογή του Αναστάση Παπαληγούρα, (κατ. έκθεσης Κόρινθος 1999), Ιστορικό-Λαογραφικό Μουσείο Κορίνθου, Corinth 1999.
5. Tsironi Niki-Legas Babis, Images of Corinthia. Its History and Life through Engravings of the 15th – 19th century. Translated by Norman Russell, Ekdoseis tou Phoinika-Club Hotel Casino Loutraki, Athens 2007.
1., website created within the broader project of Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation.
2. Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Neue Pinakothek, München, Deutschland.
3. Biblioteca Marciana, Venezia, Italia.,
4. Museo Correr, Venezia, Italia.
5. Biblioteque Nationale de France, Paris, France.
6. British Museum, London, UK.,
7. Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation’s electronic database collected from the results of research project on technology and expertise in areas of Greek Postbyzantine period “Information Technology and Libraries Archives of Venice”, in collaboration with the Greek Institute of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Studies in Venice, supported and coordinated by PIOP.