The geographical region of Corinthia has been depicted in numerous maps, during ....

Coronelli Vincenzo, ”Peloponneso, boggi di Morea, conquista dall’armi della Serenissima Republica di Venezia”, Venezia 1696, Marg. Samourka Collection, inv. 0516, in The French Expedition to the Morea (Work of the French Scientific Expedition to the Morea 1829-1), Melissa Publishing House, Athens 2012.

Guillaume Delisle,”Peloponnese”, detail from map ”Carte de la Grèce dressée sur un grand nombre de mémoires anciens et nouveaux, sur ceux de Mrs Wheler et Tournefort, sur les observations astronomiques de Mr Vernon du P. Feuillée Minime etc…,”, Paris 1707, Marg. Samourka Collection, inv. 0688, in The French Expedition to the Morea (Work of the French Scientific Expedition to the Morea 1829-1), Melissa Publishing House, Athens 2012

Blouet Abel, “Map of the Peloponnese“, in Expédition scientifique de Morée, 1831, Source: "Péloponnèse Blouet". Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Rivier F.,detail of “Map of the Morea”, in Atlas, series I-Maps, 1832, index III, sheet 2, scale 1:200.000, engraving, 61x41,50 cm, printed by Engelmann et Compagnie, as published in The French Expedition to the Morea (Work of the French Scientific Expedition to the Morea 1829-1), Melissa Publishing House, Athens 2012.

Barbié du Bocage M., “La Corinthie, La Sicyonie, la Phliasie, et l’ Achaie, pour le voyage du jeune Anacharsis“, (Juin 1786), in Jean Jacques Barthélemy, Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grèce, vers le milieu du quatrième siècle avant l’ère vulgaire. Atlas, Paris, 1832.

Salvator Ludwig, “Der meerbusen von Korinth oder Lepanto“, in Eine Spazierfahrt im Golfe von Korinth, Prag, H. Mercy 1876, 42 x 74 cm

Baedeker Karl, “Environs de Corinthe”, in Greece, Handbook for Travellers, Leipzig, 1894
The Google earth map shows the numerous sites, as well as the Ottoman monuments, incorporated in the COPIS Project.
The sites, as well as each architectural construction, will be further presented and analyzed in the following scientific entities.
Eleni I. Kanetaki
The geographical region of Corinthia has been depicted in numerous maps throughout the early modern period and up to the 19th century. Some very characteristic historic maps of the kind have been gathered here.

“Map 1: Coronelli 1696. Coronelli Vincenzo, ”Peloponneso, boggi di Morea, conquista dall’armi della Serenissima Republica di Venezia”, Venezia 1696, Marg. Samourka Collection, inv. 0516, in The French Expedition to the Morea (Work of the French Scientific Expedition to the Morea 1829-1), Melissa Publishing House, Athens 2012.

Guillaume Delisle,”Peloponnese”, detail from map ”Carte de la Grèce dressée sur un grand nombre de mémoires anciens et nouveaux, sur ceux de Mrs Wheler et Tournefort, sur les observations astronomiques de Mr Vernon du P. Feuillée Minime etc…,”, Paris 1707, Marg. Samourka Collection, inv. 0688, in The French Expedition to the Morea (Work of the French Scientific Expedition to the Morea 1829-1), Melissa Publishing House, Athens 2012

Blouet Abel, “Map of the Peloponnese“, in Expédition scientifique de Morée, 1831, Source: “Péloponnèse Blouet”. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Rivier F., “Map of the Morea”, in Atlas, series I-Maps, 1832, index III, sheet 2, scale 1:200.000, engraving, 61×41,50 cm, printed by Engelmann et Compagnie, as published in The French Expedition to the Morea (Work of the French Scientific Expedition to the Morea 1829-1), Melissa Publishing House, Athens 2012.

Barbié du Bocage M., “La Corinthie, La Sicyonie, la Phliasie, et l’ Achaie, pour le voyage du jeune Anacharsis“, (Juin 1786), in Jean Jacques Barthélemy, Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grèce, vers le milieu du quatrième siècle avant l’ère vulgaire. Atlas, Paris, 1832.

Salvator Ludwig, “Der meerbusen von Korinth oder Lepanto“, in Eine Spazierfahrt im Golfe von Korinth, Prag, H. Mercy 1876, 42 x 74 cm

Baedeker Karl, “Environs de Corinthe”, in Greece, Handbook for Travellers, Leipzig, 1894